The following excerpt originally appeared in The Appalachian Theology Review, (an email periodical) on June 15, 2015.
The Roman book was usually made from a papyrus plant that grew along the Nile River in Egypt. The papyrus plant was used throughout the Mediterranean to make sheets of writing material not unlike our modern paper. These sheets were then pasted together into long lengths of paper. A scribe would then write a work of literature in successive vertical columns from left to right. Then, the scribe would roll up the long length of paper with the writing on the inside. Today, this type of book is often referred to as a “scroll” and was the primary format by which cultured Romans wrote down their great works of literature.
The Roman book was usually made from a papyrus plant that grew along the Nile River in Egypt. The papyrus plant was used throughout the Mediterranean to make sheets of writing material not unlike our modern paper. These sheets were then pasted together into long lengths of paper. A scribe would then write a work of literature in successive vertical columns from left to right. Then, the scribe would roll up the long length of paper with the writing on the inside. Today, this type of book is often referred to as a “scroll” and was the primary format by which cultured Romans wrote down their great works of literature.
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The Roman Bookroll (Scroll) |
Romans also knew of an easier and more efficient way than the scroll to format their books. After long lengths of papyrus paper was manufactured, a scribe would cut out sheets and stack them on top of one another. This stack of papyrus sheets was then folded down the center and then stitched at the folded edge. The scribe could then write on both the outside and the inside faces of each page. This type of book is referred to as a “codex.” If the codex sounds familiar it is because it is the ancient precursor to our modern book.
An elite Roman did not use the codex for works of literature, rather, they used the codex for informal writing. Taking notes, keeping records, manuals for instruction, school texts, and storing copies of correspondence were some of the uses of the codex.
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The codex notebook |
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An educated Roman couple |
The same was true of the Roman scroll. With its lack of punctuation and spacing, the scroll would have taken years to master and would have been difficult for the average Roman to access. This difficulty was, of course, the point and added to the sense of elitism, education, sophistication, and privilege. Wealthy Roman Villas often displayed paintings of the Lord and Lady of the house holding scrolls and writing implements. Similar images can be found on tombstones and sarcophagi. These images would have given the message that the Lord and Lady were educated and members of the elite strata of Roman society.
At the turn of the 19th to the 20th century two British scholars, Bernard Grenfell and Arthur Hunt, over a period of several years, discovered the remains of thousands of ancient papyrus documents that were dumped in huge trash mounds outside of the ancient Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchus. Among these many documents were found the remains of the oldest copies of New Testament books.
Scholars soon noticed that these copies of New Testament books had several distinguishing features that set them apart from contemporary Roman literature. First, it was discovered that every single copy of a New Testament book was bound in the codex format. And second, the scribes who copied the text often used spacing between words, implemented crude forms of punctuation, and employed reading aids. Therefore, in contrast to the elitist Roman scroll, the earliest copies of the New Testament were much more accessible to a broad array of less educated readers.
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An early Christian gospel codex |
And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place, and the memoirs of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read, as long as time permits; then, when the reader has ceased, the president verbally instructs, and exhorts to the imitation of these good things. (1 Apol. 67, ANF 1:186)The earliest Christians were primarily concerned with the dissemination of the scriptures, teaching, and discipleship. Therefore, at a very early point they adopted certain aspects of Roman book technology, that is, the codex format and reading aids, in order to better facilitate public reading and ease of access for those who had less education and reading ability. An elitist Roman from the upper crust of society would have viewed these early copies of the New Testament with scorn and not as sophisticated works of literature.
What can we learn from these early Christians and their use of Roman book technology? Even though cultured Romans used books and literature as a way to marginalize a broad section of uneducated society, Christians used certain aspects of Roman book technology to do just the opposite. By using the codex format, spacing, punctuation, and reading aids, the Christians were able to bring the scriptures to the uneducated and marginalized segments of Roman society.
For a more detailed treatment of the bookroll and Christian codex see;
Timothy N. Mitchell, "Christian Papyri and the Ancient Church." Bibliotheca Sacra 173 (April–June 2016): 182–202.
Gamble, Harry Y. Books and Readers in the Early Church: A
History of Early Christian Texts. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995.
______________. “Literacy, Liturgy, and the Shaping of the
New Testament Canon.” Pages 27-39 in The
Earliest Gospels: The Origins and Transmission of the Earliest Christian
Gospels - The Contribution of the Chester Beatty Gospel Codex P45. Edited
by Charles Horton. Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series
258. Edited by Mark Goodacre. New York: T & T Clark, 2004.
Haines-Eitzen, Kim. Guardians of Letters: Literacy, Power
and the Transmitters of Early Christian Literature. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2000.
Harris, William V. Ancient Literacy. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1991.
Hurtado, Larry W. The Earliest Christian Artifacts:
Manuscripts and Christian Origins. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006.
______________. “The Sociology of Early Christian Reading.”
Pages 49-62 in The Early Text of the New
Testament. Edited by Charles E. Hill and Michael J. Kruger. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2012.
Johnson, William A. “The Ancient Book.” Pages 256-281 in The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology.
Edited by Roger S. Bagnall. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
________________. Readers
and Reading Culture in the High Roman Empire: A Study of Elite Communities.
Edited by Joseph Farrell and Robin Osborne. Classic Culture and Society. New
York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Turner, E. G. The Typology of the Early Codex. 1977. Reprint, Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2011.
Turner, E. G. The Typology of the Early Codex. 1977. Reprint, Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2011.
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ReplyDeleteThank you for this Timothy, very helpful. I'm preparing a talk on the transmission of the NT along with some textual critical stuff (debunking Bart Ehrman hopefully). The differences between the usage of the scroll and codex has been insightful.
ReplyDeleteThank you unkown. I am happy that it proved helpful. I wish you well in your talk.